Why did I decide to start eating clean??
Since I got married, my husband Dan and I have been eating out a lot and I have been noticing that I have been feeling extra tired lately and just not myself! I have read that a lot of what you eat when your in your 20's,30's, and 40's determines your health and well being when your older. So, I've decided I want to become healthier now!!! Especially, since I don't work out, I need start getting my act together!
*Did you know that what you eat actually makes up 80% of what you look and feel like????
I am also trying to eat more organic foods, without all the hormones given to those poor animals! Cow's are suppose to eat grass and chickens are not suppose to eat other chickens....EWW! So the other day, I went to the Green Wise Publix and Whole Foods and stocked up on a bunch of their freshest foods in season; such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and grape tomatoes. I am also trying to eat more yogurt and granola (my new obsession)! Oh and another new obsession of mine.....all natural almond butter, wow it's AMAZING and I thought peanut butter was good!!!! I also bought plenty of fish (I tried to buy wild caught instead of farm raised so there are no hormones). Well I just started, but I have to say I already feel AMAZING!!!!!!! I usually eat all day long and am constantly hungry when I eat junk food, but not now! I actually have to force myself to eat more because I have been so full! Oh and one more thing, after I made myself a super healthy lunch yesterday, I was ready to do laps around our apartment complex. Of course it was 100 degrees outside, so I didn't think it was such a good idea haha =).
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